We are thrilled to announce our special international guest for 2023 is a pioneer of the “New Wave of Spanish Magic” where Body, Heart and Eyes walk together besides Brain, Hands and Smile. A FISM and Fool Us winner coming to us direct from his home town of Barcelona – MARIO LOPEZ.
He has been described as “one of the most devilish wizards” and once you see him perform live, you will want to watch him again, and again, and again.
Not only will Mario be performing his own solo show at the 2023 MMF, he will also be lecturing exclusively for magicians – but this WILL sell out! As soon as tickets go on sale make sure you grab yourself a seat!
If you haven’t experienced the brilliance of Mario Lopez before, take a look at his most recent appearance on ‘Penn & Teller: Fool Us” below, then start googling to discover more from this emerging superstar of magic!