We had a great time today with Paul Loughman, photographer for The Northcote Leader, spent the day capturing images for an upcoming two page spread about the Melbourne Magic Festival. The pics in this article are casual iPhone shots – for the REAL photos you’ll need to get The Northcote Leader in two weeks! First up was Wesley Anne where he captured SARAH JONES and friend sharing a drink at the bar of our Official Late Night Venue and home to her show TALKING TO YOURSELF: A HISTORY OF VENTRILOQUISM
From there it was onto the Northcote Town Hall where he capture a fairy, LEE COHEN, promoting her FAIRY MAGIC WORKSHOP AND SHOW while NICHOLAS J JOHNSON performed card tricks in the smallest close up magic venue he could find – the elevator. Nicholas was promoting THE CLOSE UP GALLERY with three different magicians every night!
After shooting a bonus video with Nicholas, it was time for the boys from GO TRICK YOURSELF!
SAM HUME, JUSTIN CASE and a rogue teddy bear who just happened to be walking by at the time got into the spirit and created some magical images. Grab yourself a Northcote Leader in the next few weeks and see the final result!