Tayissa Artomonow has just published her review of the MMF Gala Show on ‘Tay Around Town’. I have to admit that the online show was just about as enjoyable as a show in real life! I saw some of my...
- July 6, 2020
- 1 Min Read
The Age Theatre Critic, Cameron Woodhead, has written a great feature story about how magicians have adapted to deal with the Corona Lockdown. It talks about The Melbourne Magic Festival, The Laneway Theatre, and Tim Ellis’s Zoom Magic Shows. You...
- June 25, 2020
- 1 Min Read
THE MAGIC WILL NOT BE STOPPED! The good news is we will continue to entertain you 24/7 with non stop magic shows and events online absolutely free of charge until we can all be together in person once more. Keep...
- June 2, 2020
- 1 Min Read
The Australian Magic Championships will take place in a special Online Event on Saturday July 4. Magicians of all ages and expertise from Australia and New Zealand are invited to compete with either a Stage Magic or Close Up Magic...
- April 12, 2020
- 2 Min Read
“One of my teachers told me I shouldn’t use my body because my body ‘isn’t any good,'” says the Canadian magician, who was born without hands or feet, Mahdi Gilbert. “[They said] that I should use my mind because my mind...
- March 3, 2020
- 3 Min Read